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ORLEN Południe Trade

Sales Director

Marcin Galemba

phone: +48 24 201 02 51
mobile: +48 665 440 540

Sector - Paraffin

Radosław Grabowski
Product Manager 

phone: +48 24 201 00 77
mobile: +48 601 414 964​​

Tomasz Marciniec
Product Manager

​phone: +48 24 201 02 77
mobile: +48 601 518 084

Magdalena Kozińska
Product Manager

​phone: +48 24 201 02 72
mobile: +48 609 032 714

​Małgorzata Gurtowska​​
Product Manager​​​

​​​phone: +48 24 201 00 61​
mobile: +48 663 730 175

Sector - Glycerin

​Dagmara Głowacka
Product Manager

​​phone: + 48 24 201 00 69
mobile: + 48 607 465 255

Sector - Solvents

​​Mariusz Kopciuch​​
Product Manager​

phone: +48 24 201 07 16
mobile: + 48 605 092 246

Maciej Niechaj
Product Manager​

​​​​​​phone +48 24 201 01 39
mobile: +48 665 444 843

Sectors - Fuel oil, m​ethyl ester, gasoline, ​marine fuels

Katarzyna Schleis

phone: + 48 24 201 01 19
fax. + 48 24 367 74 17
mobile: +48 605 437 787

Agnieszka Mentel-Januszek
Product Manager

​phone: +48 24 201 00 68
fax: + 48 24 367 74 17
mobile: +48 601 430 864

Alan Pytlik
Product Manager​

​phone: + 48 24 201 00 60
fax. + 48 24 367 74 17
mobile: +48 601 439 037

Sector - Base oil

​​​​​Piotr Bugajski
Product Manager

​​​​​phone +48 24 201 07 17
mobile: +48 603 950 885

Maciej Niechaj
​Pro​duct Manager
​​​​​​phone +48 24 201 01 39
mobile: +48 665 444 843
Sector - Glycols Hydrogen  automotive quality​

​Małgorzata Gurtowska​​

​​​​​​​​phone: +48 24 201 00 61​
mobile: +48 663 730 175

Pursuant to Article 13(1) and 13(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”), we would like to inform you that:
1.   ORLEN Południe S.A. with its registered office in Trzebinia at St. Fabryczna 22, 32-540 Trzebinia, Poland, NIP: 628-00-977, REGON: 27269025, acting in accordance with Article 13(1) and 13(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (OJ L 2016.119.1), hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”, hereby informs that it is the Controller of your personal data.

 2.   You may contact the Controller at the Controller’s correspondence data or at the following email address: sekretariat.poludnie@orlen.pl

 3.   The Controller informs that in order to properly protect personal data, it has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at
 the following email address: 

 4.   Your personal data shall be processed for the following purposes:
       a)  respond to the message sent by email to the contact addresses available at www.orlenpoludnie.pl – for our legitimate interest which 
       consists in ensuring communication with the website user and responding to inquiries addressed to ORLEN Południe S.A – pursuant to 
       Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR. In this case, your data shall be processed until you object to their processing;
       b)  determine, pursue or defend against any claims that may be related to the activities carried out by ORLEN Południe S.A. and the 
       provision of services – for our legitimate interest which consists in securing claims, i.e. pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR, for the period 
       provided for in the provisions of law on limitation of claims.
 5.   The recipients of your personal data may be entities supplying and supporting IT systems used by the Controller and entities
 providing services related to the day-to-day operations of the Controller – under concluded data processing agreements and with the
 reservation that the aforementioned entities must apply adequate technical and organisational measures ensuring data protection – as well as
 public authorities authorised to access such data, under applicable provisions of law.
 6.   You have the right to:
       a)  access your data, have your data rectified or erased and its processing restricted, the right to data portability and the right to object to 
       the processing.
       b)  lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if you decide that the 
       processing of your personal data violates the provisions of GDPR.
 7.   Your personal data shall not be transferred to third countries or international organisations.
 8.   Your personal data shall not be processed by automated means, including profiling.
 9.   The provision of your personal data is voluntary.​


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